3 years ago I was hired as a coach and mentor for a UX Strategy and Design team at an agency. I had never worked in this role before, but had relevant experience. I had worked as a creative director, UX strategist, designer and information architect for almost 20 years. I had the same background as those I was coaching. I had navigated the bumpy road from novice to expert and felt ready to share back.
Read MoreHow to get better design feedback with the principles of design
Getting good design feedback hard. Clients often share feedback using words and ideas that that can be unclear for designers. For example, I once received feedback to “make it more awesome.” While this feedback was clearly communicated, I felt unsure how to achieve said “awesomeness.”
Over time I learned to translate client feedback into ideas and concepts that gave me more to work with. I began relying on the Principles of Design as a set of ideas and vocabulary terms to help me bridge the linguistic gap between myself and my clients.
I’d like to share what I’ve learned so perhaps you can learn this skill faster than I did.
Read MoreProductivity & blobbing

10 things to do to help with productivity.
Read MoreHow to design a quality website on a budget

For projects with small budgets, designers can use a growing number of free resources to deliver great work to their clients. These resources allow designers to focus their energy on more challenging tasks.
Read MoreThe slice template →

The Slice Template is kind of like a layer cake. It’s a design structure that enables site authors to create web pages out of modular components.
Read MoreGiving back →

A story about how giving can benefit a business and its people.
Read MoreAuthoring experience (AX) best practices for images in Drupal →

Learn to improve your site author's experience with more meaningful help text.
Read MoreGoals first, then tactics →

Asking the “why" behind the tactics can help reveal the true goals of the project.
Read MoreOur industry needs digital experience directors →

There is an opportunity to create new roles that better match the needs of today's digital reality.
Read MoreChapter Three website redesign 5.0 →

Case study about the relaunch of the Chapter Three Website, version 5.0.
Read MoreHow to write for the web →

Don't expect your content to work online if you simply copy and paste from print.
Read MoreHow to give design feedback like a pro →

The best way to keep designers happy is to use what I call the Design Feedback Sandwich.
Read MoreRedesigning the panels IPE →

A redesign of the Panels In Place Editor (IPE) design for Drupal.
Read MoreHow to run a creative design process for a big project →

Key ingredients for running a design project.
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